I am a data scientist with a passion for creating innovative solutions to complex problems. I am a senior at Shiv Nadar University, India and I will graduate in May 2022. I am majoring in Computer Science Engineering with a minor in Economics.

Currently, I am working as a Data Analyst with the Global Call and Contact Management team at American Express.

Last summer, I worked as a Data Science for Social Good fellow at the University of Warwick in collaboration with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs (BMWi) to forecast the regional unemployment rate in Germany. Previously, I was working as a research intern with the Inria-Modal Group to identify and isolate the causes of suicides in Nord-Pas de Calais region in France using statistical modelling and spatial econometrics.

When I am not in front of a computer screen, I enjoy hiking to remote lands and cycling. I am always open to a match of lawn tennis or badminton. You can often find me reading Jeffrey Archer or humming to The Beatles. In my last, Myers-Briggs personality test, I tested as ENTJ.

Connect with Prakhar Rathi
Prakhar Rathi

Prakhar Rathi

I like to write about data science, machine learning and finance. I document personal experiences and projects. I love to hike and swim! Reading when not coding